- Reasons to have this surgery:
- The main cause of severe abdominal skin flabbiness is the extension of the skin during pregnancy. However, massive weight loss may have the same effect. In both cases, the skin around the abdomen frequently rips, which causes the so-called stretch marks. Another effect is an extreme amount of excessive skin. A hernia of the abdomen may also occur. In this case, the excessive stretching of the straight abdominal muscles causes the latter to lose contact with the center line. As a result, the tissue is relocated to the outside, causing the patient to lose his or her waistline. A pot belly appears. If a woman has had a Caesarian, she may suffer from the consequences of pulled in scars.
- The surgical technique:
- The abdominal wall is removed from the muscles below it all the way up to the rib bow beginning at the bikini zone level. A special stitching technique is used to reclose the muscular gap to create an interior corset. Once this step is complete, all of the excessive skin and fat between navel and pubic hair line is removed. The loose skin from the upper belly can now be relocated towards the bottom over the flat belly without creating tension. Delicate skin stitches and the re-stitching of the navel complete the procedure.
- Procedure:
- This surgery takes about 2 hours and is performed under full anaesthesia. After the procedure, the patient spends 1 to 5 nights at the hospital for monitoring. Thanks to waterproof bandages, the patient can take showers as early as the second day after the surgery. Patients who have had this surgery should not engage in any strenuous physical activities for 4 to 6 weeks post procedure. During this time period, patients are required to wear a special compression panty hose. A first post surgery exam is performed after 1 day, the final exam after 12 weeks.